What is EELISA?
The European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) brings together 10 institutions from 8 countries in Europe with the goal of making European higher education a driving force for an equitable green and digital transition.
EELISA aims to become a role model for a resilient, inclusive, and diverse society, showcasing the potential of transnational collaboration in shaping a sustainable future.

EELISA is proud to be part of the European Universities, an initiative that aims to strengthen the strategic partnerships between institutions to increase the international competitiveness of European higher education.
EELISA in Numbers
supporting partners
EELISA credentials
EELISA’s acronym pays tribute to women engineers through the memory of Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu (1887-1973), one of the first women to obtain an engineering degree in the world.
She also embodied the values of multiculturalism, inclusiveness, innovation, excellence, and social commitment that EELISA holds today.

Creating bridges that traverse geographical, disciplinary, administrative and political boundaries. Aiming for:
▸Deep and transformative institutional transnational cooperation
▸Forging connections between academic disciplines – STEM, social sciences, humanities, and arts.
EELISA Work Plan
Priority of the call
EELISA Work Packages
Integrated long-term strategy for education
WP 1 – General management and coordination of the project
including data management and reporting, will ensure the efficient execution of the work plan within the budget schedule timescale.
WP 2 – University Alliance of the Future – long term strategy
We intend to create a forum dedicated to the construction of a self-sustaining, permanent Alliance capable of continuing its life and operation beyond the life of the present project. This will be possible after the reducing of barriers hampering cooperation and after the transformation of strategically selected aspects in our institutions (e.g., legislation and procedures for joint degrees). In this way, the strategy of EELISA European University, regarding governance, portfolio of projects, mobilization of all the dimensions of the Alliance, and external projection will continue to support Alliance universities and higher education in Europe.
WP 3 – Dissemination, Communication and Branding
will consolidate and expand the communication and dissemination tools developed over the course of EELISA 1.0, raising awareness about our project in order to engage the full spectrum of our stakeholders, both internally and externally, and disseminate our results and outcomes to relevant actors. In addition, WP3 will strengthen the EELISA brand and identity to provide an inspiring role model for others within and beyond EELISA.
Inter-University campus
WP 4 – EELISA European Campus
will contribute to the creation of a shared European campus on three complementary levels: consolidating a digital space for our joint activities and our educational and training offer, fostering intra-alliance mobility, including the promotion of an EELISA “campus life”, and contributing through joint measures to the inclusion, diversity and gender balance in our staff and student body.
WP 5 – Joint Education Offer and Recognition Frameworks
will further develop our joint educational offer, including joint programmes at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, PhD) based on the roll-out of the European Engineer model of EELISA 1.0 and our enlarged interdisciplinary scope, oriented towards the digital and green transitions. It will also consolidate our joint education management and quality assurance frameworks in line with relevant Europe-wide standards (micro- credentials, joint European degree label, EUR-ACE accreditation for engineering programmes).
WP 6 – Innovative teaching and learning hubs
will further develop innovative pedagogies and our common framework. The outcome of WP6 will nurture the educational offer of the Alliance and be approached separately which allows us to gather the experts and people in charge from each institution.
WP 7 – Employability and partnerships
focuses on the provision of internships and apprenticeships with a consolidated programme, monitoring emerging needs for skills and promoting provision to teach them. Partnerships with all external stakeholders, in particular from industrial and business, will strengthen the role of EELISA in the European higher education horizon.
Knowledge creation teams
WP 8 – Engagement with society through EELISA Communities
two flagship outcomes of EELISA 1.0, the EELISA Communities (multi-stakeholder; inter-institutional, mission-driven and multidisciplinary teams) and the EELISA Credential (a recognition of learning outcomes earned after participation in innovative mission-driven educational activities based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals ) will continue in EELISA 2.0 and will be used as the most straightforward way of addressing challenge-based education and bridging and engaging with society.
WP 9 – EELISA’S network for researchers and talent
aims to jointly approach research and education while capitalizing on and further developing the outcomes of the EELISA innoCORE (Horizon 2020 SwafS project) regarding institutional transformation modules, and aspiring to be an Alliance that attracts talents, is inclusive and fosters mobility for all.
WP 10 – EELISA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
focusing on the “I” in EELISA for innovation and covering the full lifecycle of entrepreneurship: from awareness, to education, creation of new ventures, incubation, and acceleration with a particular focus on deep-tech. This WP will align well with our intention to facilitate the collaboration and exchange between innovation and entrepreneurship partners.