Academia is getting more and more competitive every day, especially for early career researchers (ECRs) who are at the beginning of their careers. Surviving in academia is a challenge for many ECRs because of the scarcity of permanent positions, geographical inequalities, tenured gatekeepers, imbalances in the distribution of funds, etc. However, the world is facing serious problems about sustainability such as climate change or energy crisis, and it is essential to support and engage with young researchers to find solutions to these problems. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the expectations and challenges of ECRs, and develop policies in accordance with these expectations. With this interactive seminar, we aim to listen to their expectations and discuss the role of open science to make their research environment better. Most of the open science studies claim that open science removes barriers in science, and we would like to remove the barriers of ECRs using the power of open science. We welcome all ECRs to our interactive seminar to raise the voices of ECRs.
There will be no scheduled presentation during the interactive panel. Three moderators will be there to ask questions and answer any questions to be asked. These moderators will kick off the panel by sharing their own experiences based on daily open science practices to guide attendees. Microphones will be open for each participant to share their ideas and a special miro board will be designed for sharing ideas.
Date and Time: October 27, 2022 | 10:00-11:30 (GMT+3)
Required Information: First name, last name, e-mail address, institution
Target Group: Early career researchers from EELISA and SCN
10:00-10:15 – Welcoming Speeches, Information on the content and format of the panel
* ELISA OSC introduction by Burcu Bulut, Istanbul Technical University – EELISA OSC Coordinator
* SCN introduction by Zehra Taşkın, Hacettepe University & Adam Mickiewicz University – SCN Co-founder; Güleda Doğan, Hacettepe University – SCN Co-founder10:15-11:15 – Interactive panel
Zehra Taşkın, Hacettepe University & Adam Mickiewicz University – SCN Co-founder
Güleda Doğan, Hacettepe University – SCN Co-founder
Franciszek Krawczyk, Ph.D. candidate – Adam Mickiewicz University 11:15-11:30 Overall assessment and closing