The third of the EELISAconnect workshop series was held under the coordination of Istanbul Technical University. At the meeting in which academics and researchers of the EELISA alliance participated online, it was decided to create a portfolio of EELISA activities concerning the strategies developed to solve the challenges encountered in the field of “Cities and Communities”.
As part of the EELISAconnect workshop series, EELISA academics and researchers from various disciplines came together at ITU in order to develop innovative solutions for the vision of the European University.
Among the participants of the workshop led by EELISA’s Coordinator at ITU Emrah Acar were EELISA Executive Director Sofia d’Aguiar, Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK) Horizon Europe Program Project Director Çağrı Yıldırım and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Turkey’s Head of Exploration for Sustainable Development Goals, Research and Innovation Gökçe Tuna.
In the sessions held under the title “Cities and Communities”, the importance of increasing collaboration in education, research and application fields to reach the goals of the EELISA project was emphasized. Moreover, creation of a portfolio of EELISA activities concerning the strategies developed to solve the challenges encountered in the field of Cities and Communities started.